Linguine with red shrimp from Mazara on saffron cream

When those next to you asks, "Why don't we prepare pasta with shrimp and saffron sauce?" What are you doing? Obvious. Obey… and then why not invent a dish as a request but with the small variant of the crustacean? The shrimp was a little ' reductive… better a beautiful red prawn of Mazara, is more full-bodied and tasty! Here's how to prepare it…

Ingredients for 4 people:

450 grams of linguine

1 Kg of red prawns of Mazara
1 shallot
200 ml of whole fresh milk
200 ml of water
1 Sachet of Saffron
2 teaspoons of potato starch
1 Glass of brandy
Paprika to taste
Nutmeg to taste
Chives for decoration
Extra virgin olive oil to taste


First we need to clean the prawns. It seems like a complicated operation but you will realize that it is very simple. We remove the head and the shell from the shrimp. We keep some heads aside, we will need to give flavor and complete the dish. Engrave the upper part and extract the gut. We leave the queues on two prawns per guest for the final impiattamento. We cut in two all the prawns except the ones we left with the tail and get ready to cook. In a frying pan we put our shallot to wither, with low heat, with oil. As soon as the shallot is ready, we can join our prawns and the heads set aside, raise the flame, and start cooking the condiment of our pasta. Let them cook a couple of minutes per side then add the paprika and smudge with brandy and turn off the fire. Boil the water for the pasta, we refer to the cooking times present in the box and, in the meantime, we prepare the saffron sauce. In a saucepan we put the water, the milk, a grated nutmeg and sciogliamoci inside the saffron. We bring on the heat and cook at low Fiammo. Add the starch and mix well with a whip to prevent lumps from forming. As soon as it's thickened, we turn off. We drain the pasta and put it back in the pot, add two ladles of saffron sauce and the prawns having the foresight to keep the whole and the heads. Amalgamiamo well and get ready for serve.
Tips for mise en place:

We take a ladle of sauce and put it as the base of our dish. We place a coppapasta in the center of our dish, we take the pasta and Posizioniamocela in the center trying to roll it and to cover all the spaces. Let's remove the Coppapasta. On the surface of our pasta cylinder, we lay the two whole prawns and in the center the head of the same. We finish the dish with two strands of chives. Plate ready.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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