Wholemeal buns with turmeric


Wholemeal buns with turmeric

A fragrant, perfumed and genuine bread, made with simple and natural ingredients. A special taste that leaves in your mouth a light and pleasant spicy aftertaste thanks to turmeric powder, considered in the past as a sacred spices by the Indian people, is still employed today as one of the most effective natural remedies for purifying the liver, Promote digestion, treat infections and inflammation. A must try! Let’s see how to prepare these whole rolls in a few simple steps.


500 grams of wholemeal flour
1 Sachet of yeast
320 ml of lukewarm water
1 teaspoon salt
10 grams of sugar
2 tablespoons E.V.O. oil
2 tablespoons of Bran
1.5 teaspoons of turmeric
Poppy and sesame seeds to taste


To prepare our wholemeal sandwiches to turmeric we must first pour all the liquid ingredients and then the solid ones inside the planetarium or the robot, we knead for 15 ‘ then we transfer the dough on a floured pastry and work for 10 more. Finally we form a ball, engrave a cross on the surface, and let it rise for at least two hours or otherwise until the volume of our dough is not doubled.

After the leavening time, put our dough on the pastry floured and allarghiamolo to form a rectangle, Arrotoliamolo on itself from the longest side so as to trap in air that will increase the honeycomb and form a Strand.

Divide the strand into slices of about 3 cm, spennelliamone the surface with oil then Passiamoli in the mix of seeds and put them, well spaced between them, on a plate lined with parchment paper. Engrave a cross on the surface of each loaf so we put it back to leaven for another two hours or always until their volume is doubled.

When ready, we supply, preheated oven at 250 °, for 15-20 ‘ approx. Just ready bake and let them cool.


Should the bread advance, we can store it quietly in a well-closed paper bag and store it inside the fridge. It will keep well for three days then, just heat it a little in the oven to make it return fragrant as freshly baked..

Now try to prepare this dish and let us see it! Publish your photos on our Facebook page or on Twitter and Istagram using the hashtag #casacostantino!

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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