Bulgur and chickpeas

Probably, now, you'll be doing the same face I did when my wife told me about the Bulgur… well yes, it's something you eat! That said, I thought of preparing a complete dish that includes cereals and legumes enriched with shallots. To exalt the taste of the products that we will use, I wanted to cook them in the ancient terracotta, which, for these preparations, is the most suitable since it absorbs heat slowly and just as slowly gives it to the food allowing a uniform cooking. And what pan to use if not that of the artisan company Vasai? Perfect in detail and superior quality, it guarantees a uniform and impeccable cooking. Let's see how to proceed.

Ingredients for 4 people:

500 grams of dried chickpeas
300 grams of Bulgur
1 leek
1 Laurel Leaf
1 star anise
50 grams of carrots
Salt, chili powder and E.V.O. oil Taste
Water to taste

Before starting, I remind you that the chickpeas will be soaked in water at least 24h before use. We wash and cut the leek and let it wither with a moderate flame, together with the oil, in our pan. Add the star anise that sprigionerà its perfume and its aroma. As soon as the leek is ready, we add the private chickpeas of the water that has rehydrated them, the carrots, the laurel, the salt and the chili and we cover the whole of water. Cover with lid and let go to sweet flame for about 2h. Sometimes we remember to give a mix and, if necessary, to add water. We remember the fundamental thing in the kitchen, we always try so we can control the cooking of chickpeas and fix salt and chilli. After 2h, the chickpeas will be ready. We turn off and let it rest, the earthenware pan will keep everything warm. We prepare the bulgur. We prepare 600 ml of water and boil it with a little salt. When the boil starts, we turn off the fire and throw the water on the bulgur. Copriamolo with a lid and let stand for 20-30 ' elapsed which should have absorbed all the water. If not, we give a mix and let rest a few more minutes. All ready, we can serve.
Tips for mise en place:

Add the chickpeas, little at a time, to the bulgur, mix it all up and serve on the terracotta bowls of the artisan company Vasai, sprinkle the top with fresh leek cut to rondelline thick and a drizzle of oil to raw. Serve.
It is a dish that can be served indistinctly both hot and cold, it will still be excellent.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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