Fast Quick Rolls

Remember when I came back from the house of Friends with basil and arugula? Well, with arugula I prepared a super fast starter. Have you ever happened to have unexpected guests at dinner and not knowing what appetizer to match to a quick pasta dish? How about a starter just as fast? We will prepare some delicious rolls to be served to our diners or, why not, to be prepared also for an aperitif or, more simply, by simple throat. Let's see how to proceed.

Ingredients for 4 people:

3 rectangular slices of bread for sandwiches
100 grams of Robiola
150 grams of mortadella chicken
Fresh rocket to taste
Pesto to taste
Seeds of PAPAVEROQ. B.

With the help of a rolling pin, we flatten the slices of bread for sandwiches, spalmiamole with the Robiola, let's act on the leaves of arugula, continue with those of mortadella and finish with a few teaspoons of pesto. Rolled on themselves the slices of bread on the shorter side and get the cannoli stuffed. On a chopping board, we put poppy seeds and let over our rolls by exerting a slight pressure to make the seeds adhere to the bread. We take the film from the kitchen and wrap it individually and tightly, our rolls of bread. We put in the fridge for 30 ' to make them compact. After the half hour, usciamoli from the fridge, we remove the film that covers them and we affect our rolls in slices of wide little less than an inch. Serve.
Tips for mise en place:

On a serving plate, we lay our rolls in a circular way and continue thus forming a pyramid. We complete the plate with some arugula leaf and skewers to be able to take a roll at a time.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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