Bread Fantasy

Remember when we made pizza? Well, since we are now practical of dough, today we will make some bread in the house… Now even the bread is a bit like pizza, can be seasoned with various ingredients, you can give the shape that suits us in short, we can indulge in this case with the imagination! In my case I have prepared bread of classic remilling, bread of regrind to the olives, bread of regrind with dried tomato and black bread with flour of Tumminia.

Ingredients for bread regrind:


330 grams of water
20 grams of extra virgin olive oil
10 grams of sugar
1/2 Loaf of Brewer's yeast
50 grams of semolina flour
200 grams of flour 0
350 grams of flour
10 grams of salt
1 tablespoon of olives
4 dried tomatoes
Poppy seeds to taste

Ingredients for black Bread:

330 grams of water
20 grams of extra virgin olive oil
10 grams of sugar
1/2 Loaf of Brewer's yeast
200 grams of flour 0
400 grams of Tumminia flour
10 grams of salt

The procedure is the same for both doughs, we describe one and replicate it for the other. Remember that if you have a kneader or Thermomix, you can let them do the job by taking care to insert the liquid ingredients first and then the solid ones. On a plane mix between them the flours, add salt and sugar and make a montagnetta with a hole in the center. Melt the yeast in lukewarm water and versiamola the center of our flour Montagnetta together with the oil and begin to knead the mixture. We work the dough until it is compact and homogeneous so give it a rounded shape, infariniamolo on the whole surface and put it in a boule. We cover the whole with film and put it in the oven, or in other dry and repaired place, to rise for at least 3-4 hours.
After the leavening time, we take our dough and divide in various parts depending on the size and weight we want to give to every single sandwich/bread. We give another small dough to the bricks and add, to some, the pitted olives and cut into pieces and others the dried tomato cut into thin strips. At the balls without seasoning, we can add the poppy seeds on the surface passing them over the seeds after giving shape to the bread. As for the dough of black bread, once given the desired shape and practiced the cuts for the decorations, we simply pass a little flour on the surface. 
We put our breads on a baking sheet and we supply, in oven preheated to 250 °, for 20 ' about and anyway until the crust will be well colored. Bake and taste after it has cooled down.
Enjoy your meal!!!!!


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