Whole penne with late radicchio, buffalo and pistachios

Today we will prepare a dish with a great balance of flavors. We have the Amarostico, the sweet, the crunchy, the spicy, the sour in short, a combination of diversity certainly pleasant. If I have to be honest it was born as a recipe empties refrigerator. You know how it works: It's time for dinner, what do we prepare? Let's look at what we have in the fridge and see if there's anything we need to consume… The result was this dish. Convinced of the result and the winning couple, I jumped in the preparation. Let's start!!!

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 leek
2 radicchio Treviso late
250 grams of buffalo mozzarella
450 grams of whole-striped pens
60 grams of pistachios in natural
A few sprigs of fresh thyme
Salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste
4 Chabikwa of mint for decoration

In a sauté, we put to wither the leek previously cut into washers with a drizzle of oil and low flame. In the meantime, cut the radicchio in slices, taking care to eliminate the core, the mozzarella in cubes and mince the pistachios with the help of a knife. As soon as the leek is ready, we combine the radicchio and raise the flame. We climb and add the sprigs of thyme that we will pull away. Let the radicchio wither without cooking too much so that it maintains a beautiful purplish color and does not completely lose its texture. Turn off the fire, remove the sprigs of thyme and put on the dough respecting the cooking times written on the box. Scoliamola to the tooth, we keep a little ' of cooking water should we serve, and add it to the seasoning together with mozzarella and half of our pistachios. We blow up everything so that the seasoning and the pasta are well blended. We're ready to serve.
Tips for mise en place:
In the middle of the dish we put the pasta, a tablespoon of condiment, the pistachio kept aside, a minced pepper, a drizzle of oil and complete with a sprig of fresh mint.

We serve well warm and good appetite!!!!!

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