Grilled Swordfish

It is useless, when you enter the fishmonger's shop and you are in front of a fish so majestic, you will always be fascinated and enchanted by its beauty, freshness and majesty. If you then stay electrocuted even seeing it in photos (well yes, I have the luck to receive the photos of the bank of my fishmonger preview so you can choose already good morning, what to order… by the way, thanks Gianluca!), then you can only take it and Think about how to prepare it… I must say that simplicity always pays you back and then we leave as much as possible to the natural and enjoy the real taste of his flesh.

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 slices of swordfish 1 cm high
4 tablespoons E.V.O. oil
The Juice of 2 lemons
3 cloves of garlic
4 sprigs of fresh thyme
4 sprigs of fresh mint
4 sprigs of fresh oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

In a bowl, put the oil and lemon juice, we climb, we pepper, add the leaves of thyme and chopped mint, hair and cut in four cloves of garlic and aggiungiamoli to other ingredients. With a whip or with the help of a fork, emulsify the sauce then add the sprigs of whole oregano. We take the slices of swordfish and bagniamole from both sides in the emulsion leaving them, finally, to marinate in the same. Let them absorb the odors for about an hour taking care, from time to time, to turn the slices so that all the sides can aromatize. After the time of marinating, we put on a lively flame, a frying pan and as soon as it is hot we take the slices of swordfish, engrave lightly the meat on two points and incastriamoci inside the pieces of garlic, let the excess navy drip and cook for two Minutes per side. Serve.
Tips for mise en place:

We place the slice of fish on the plate, let us pour over a spoon of marinade, we use on a sprig of oregano and serve. If you like a contour, you can put next to the swordfish a couple of tablespoons of potatoes cooked in a pan and flavored with a drizzle of oil, sesame seeds, grated pan and a pinch of Parmigiano Reggiano (as in photos).

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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