Salmon Shorts

Finger foods are always fashionable but often require complicated preparations. Today we will make a finger of good looks but zero difficulty that allows you to look good even in case of a simple aperitif among friends.

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 Packet of smoked salmon
1 pack of spreadable cheese
1 jar of Greek yogurt
The peel of a bio lemon
A few strands of chives
Fresh Thyme for decoration
Pink Pepper for Decoration
Salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste

Cut the salmon into thin strips and put it in oil and pepper and let it marinate for a few minutes. Meanwhile, in a boule, amalgamate the yogurt and the spreadable cheese until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Incorporate the chopped chives and the grated lemon zest. We regulate salt and pepper our cream and prepare for the composition.
Tips for mise en place:
We take some glasses to finger and versiamoci the cream on the bottom to fill half. We work on the strips of salmon and complete the composition with some pink pepper berry and some leaves of thyme. Insert a fork to finger and serve.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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