Kumquat (Chinese mandarins) in syrup

I've always been fascinated by this fruit, I've always looked at it trying to imagine what I could accomplish. Last weekend I happened to be in front of a sapling of these Chinese mandarins (kumquat) and then I took someone to take it home and make it, one way or another, something. I opted for a basic preparation that could be used in a thousand ways. 30 ′ of your time will be enough to prepare these canned tangerines. Let's see how to proceed.

____ __ _____-_____ Ingredients-____-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____


150 grams of Chinese mandarins (kumquat)
100 ml of water
50 grams of sugar


____ _____… ___ _____… __ _____…… _ _____…



In a saucepan we put the water and sugar and let the same melt completely with sweet flame. As soon as the sugar has been completely absorbed by the water, we add the previously washed kumquat.



Let them cook for 15-20 ' bringing the flame to a minimum. As soon as they are smooth and shiny, trasferiamoli in a jar with all the liquid and let it cool, upside down, all night.
___ _____-____ tips _____… ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____

The jar must be sterilized, nowadays it is enough to be washed in the dishwasher because the same is usable vice versa, we have to put it in the oven at 100 ° for 20 ' approx.
If you like it, before closing the jar, we can add 3 cloves, they will bring a decided flavor to the mixture.
It is important to cool the whole thing upside down to make the jar seal itself.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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