Tricolor salad

We continue to detox after the revelry of these holidays. Today we prepare a salad light and fresh but without, for this, give up the taste. Like any salad, it takes very little time for the preparation and can be used as a single dish or as a garnish, to you the choice. Let's see what ingredients to use to prepare this dish.

Ingredients for 4 people:

50 grams of Lattughino
50 grams of rocket
2 big tomatoes
1/2 Red Tropea Onion
50 grams of soy sprouts
2 Belgian Endives
4 tablespoons green olives
4 tablespoons yogurt
2 teaspoons of mustard
1 teaspoon of E.V.O. oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
Oregano, salt and pepper to taste

We wash vegetables and tomatoes well. We slice the onion with washers, thus obtaining rings. Cut the tomato into cubes and put aside. We suffer the endive and put aside. Now let's prepare the sauce to season the salad. In a bowl put the yogurt and mustard and amalgamiamoli well so as to completely incorporate the mustard. First add the oil then the vinegar and continue to emulsify with the help of a whip. So we climb and pepper and finish our sauce. Let's prepare for serve.
Tips for mise en place:

It is very fashionable, for now, to present the salad in large dishes that, aesthetically, are very pleasing so, if we have the chance, we take one of these dishes and start with the spread, at the center of the same, first the Lattughino then put the tomato cubes, the endive, the olives, the arugula, the onion rings and end with the bean sprouts on top of everything. Sprinkle of oregano and with the help of a teaspoon pour the sauce to season the whole salad. We close the decoration with a sprig of fresh oregano.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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