Calamarata with crispy and buttered buffalo meat

Calamarata with crispy and buttered buffalo meat

Do you know that beautiful scent of seawater that pervades us when we are on the shores of a beach or in a cliff? Well, today we will try to recall, at least in part, the memory and transfer it to the dish we are going to prepare. A first who knows and smells of sea enriched by the delicacy of the butter, one of those dishes, in short, that makes you come that unusual visceral desire to admire it, smell it and finally enjoy it with eyes closed to imagine still close to those beautiful waters. Let’s see what to buy to prepare it together.

Ingredients for 4 people

400 grams of Calamrata

1 Octopus about 1 Kg

500 grams of buffalo butter

1 clove of garlic

100 grams of cherry tomato

6 fresh basil leaves

Salt, pepper and E.V.O. oil Taste


To prepare the calamarata with crispy and buttered buffalo meat, we have to start by preparing the octopus. Put on the fire a large enough pot full of water and a laurel leaf and bring it to boil then saliamola and dip for 3-4 times the tentacles of the octopus and then immerse it completely. We lower the flame to a minimum and let it bake 30-40 ‘ depending on the size. After the cooking time, togliamolo from the water and Poggiamolo on a chopping board.

We cut the tentacles into pieces about 3-4 cm long so let’s put them aside. In a sauté we put a tablespoon of oil and a clove of garlic crushed. Let’s brown then add the tentacles and let them jump for 5 ‘ and anyway until they are crispy.

When they have reached the desired consistency, togliamoli from the sauté and let’s put them aside. In the same frying pan, put the tomatoes cut in half, Saliamoli, Pepiamoli and let them wither slightly then add two ladles of cooking water of the octopus.

We cook the sauce for 5 ‘ and in the meantime we cook the pasta. At half cooking of the latter, Scoliamola and agenda to the sauté and terminiamone the cooking by adding, if necessary, other octopus cooking water. Let’s narrow the sauce so we do it with flame off, adding pepper and oil. We’re ready to serve.

Tips for mise en place

We place the pasta on one side of the plate following the outline, then decorate with the crispy tentacles and four teaspoons of buttered. We complete the dish with the basil cut with strips and a drizzle of oil.

The advanced octopus can be used for an exquisite and fresh octopus salad.

Now try to prepare this dish and let us see it! Publish your photos on our Facebook page or on Twitter and Istagram using the hashtag #casacostantino!

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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