Striped Spaghetti with rocket pesto

Have you ever had an idea for the realization of a very fast dish, that allows you to be on the table early and try to make it with a spinning top that goes running around the house grabbing everything that should not even look? Well, the idea and the practice are the ones that have accompanied the realization of this dish. Initially I thought I could be sitting at the table in 15 ' mainly because when I cook for myself and my wife, usually my son eats his food but this time it was too veloce…in two we were unable to tame the impetuosity and made the expenses a Coffee dish Fortunately without consequences for the gnome… That said, without a hitch, in 15 minutes you will be ready to taste a dish that combines the sweetness of the tomato with the pungent taste of arugula. Let's see how to proceed.

Ingredients for 4 people:


450 grams of spaghetti striped
1 shallot
150 grams of Pachino tomato
40 grams of rocket
1 tablespoon and 1/2 grated caciocavallo
Salt, pepper and E.V.O. oil Q. b


We cut the shallots and let them wither in a pan with a tablespoon of oil. Cut in two The cherry tomatoes leaving someone whole for the decoration and as soon as The onion is ready, buttiamoli in the sauté. We climb and we pepper and let them cook for 10 '. In the meantime, cook the pasta in abundant salted water for the time indicated in the package.


After the cooking time of the tomatoes, trasferiamoli in a container together with arugula, a tablespoon of oil, grated cheese and a ladle of cooking water and, with the help of a blender dipping, mix all the way to obtain a Uniform sauce. We drain the pasta by keeping the water and put it in the sauté used to prepare the tomatoes.



Add the pesto and a ladle of cooking water to make it more creamy and keep it up for a minute. Let's get ready to serve.

Tips for mise en place:


With the help of a pliers and a ladle, rolled the pasta and take it in the center of the dish, decorate with some arugula leaf and a few cloves of raw tomato that we had kept aside and cut into four. A drizzle of oil to raw and we can serve.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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