Whole Fettuccine with ricotta with basil on a velvety cherry

Dear friends, I have experienced a first tasty, simple and fast to prepare that combines simple ingredients, in perfect balance between them, exalting the uniqueness of the same. The whole thing not neglecting the aesthetic because a plate of pasta must be good but also beautiful and therefore curiamone, as…

Blueberry Cupcake with ricotta cream and chocolate and cranberry coulis

Have you always watched with a pinch of curiosity and with a lot of gluttony these American treats and you have never tried to prepare them? Well, the time has come to roll up your sleeves and start doing it. Below you will find the necessary for about 18 small…

Paccheri sauce, ricotta and eggplant

A classic Sicilian cuisine is the pasta gravy, ricotta and fried eggplant. Normally served with all the ingredients amalgamated in full respect of the tradition of Trinacria, in some cases can also be presented as a plate of pasta with gravy with a generous spoonful of ricotta and completed with…

Chocolate Cheesecake-today’s kitchen… Sabrina D.

Today Sabrina D. takes us by the throat, a beautiful cheesecacke that lovers of chocolate can not prepare immediately. Luscious this cake is the dream of all children. Chocolate is everywhere, in the base, in the cream and in the decoration, how to resist? Prepare immediately to follow the steps…

Crust of bread with Asiago, julienne of hearts of artichokes in oil homemade and tomatoes confit on cream of fava beans and ricotta

Surely now you will be doing the same face that my wife did when I introduced this appetizer… Okay, it seems a little ‘ gamble, I thought a little about it myself but, in the end, I decided to try. Notoriously, a liquid element and one that absorbs it, do…